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This Gratitude For Kids book will change children’s lives

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This Gratitude For Kids book will change children’s lives

August 28
07:27 2020
Study: Kids with gratitude have more self-esteem and are happier.

A study conducted by University of California have found that children who practice gratitude are more confident, happier, focus better, have better cognitive thinking, and attention. Scientists have discovered gratitude is one of the most powerful tools to change the brain. According to recent scientific studies, gratitude has been scientifically proven to increase the child’s self-esteem, happiness, confidence and optimism. Even though, there are numerous articles and information available on gratitude for adults, there is very little, information on the impact of gratitude on kids. Considering that children’s brains develop 4 times faster between the ages of 3-7 years, it becomes very important for parents to build positive habits and behaviors that lead kids to become happier, more confident and optimistic human beings. This new book, Gratitude For Kids is designed to build the habit of gratitude in kids.

The 28-day interactive children’s book is now available for preordering at

It has been scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to create long-lasting change in the brain. It takes this long for the brain to create new neural pathways, and this book was designed accordingly. It will change children’s brains and predispose them to succeed and be happier in life. In just 28 days, this book will, literally, rewire children’s brains to create long-lasting positive change. This book will also improve the child’s memory, creative thinking, cognitive thinking, focus and attention to impact their happiness and their life, in a positive way.

The book is written by author Napoleon Gratitude and his son after gratitude transformed his life and rewired his brain. About 5 years ago, Napoleon was facing some really difficult situations in life. He had started a tech company, raised money from investors then ran out. He was about to lose everything but then a friend suggested him a 28-day gratitude program, and the miracle happened.

Within 3 weeks, he met a tech pioneer who agreed to become his partner, then he raised $25K, shortly thereafter he raised $500K and 6 months later, he received $2Million for his company. He realized the power of gratitude in transforming his life, so he decided to help others do the same. He has been practicing these exercises for the past five years now and has grown a global community of over 18,000 people to whom he sends his daily gratitude exercises. He also created @TheGratitudeMagicGroup in Facebook, where you can read his story in full.

Napoleon is now on a mission to spread the power of gratitude worldwide, especially the kids who are at an age to receive and process information better than anyone. This is why he wrote the book Gratitude for Kids.

Gratitude For Kids Book $17.95

ISBN: 978-1-7923-2878-7

Available at

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